Program Information
- Immunobiology Graduate Handbook 2023-2024
- Final Oral Exam Checklist - PHD and Master's
- POSC Progress Form - checklist to make sure you are progressing through the program.
- Student and Major Faculty Checklist
- Graduate College and Iowa State University Important Information
- Immunobiology Graduate Student Travel Request
- Immunobiology Graduate Student Organization (IGSO)
- FAQ - answers to questions asked frequently
- Onboarding/Orientation information for new students to Iowa State and Ames, IA.
Curriculum - Graduate Study in Immunobiology
Being a graduate student enrolled in Immunobiology presents you with a unique opportunity. Immunobiology is an interdepartmental major that nucleates faculty and graduate students in four colleges and ten departments, as well as scientists in nearby government laboratories and health sciences institutes. These circumstances allow you to receive graduate training tailored specifically to your interests, and provides opportunities to conduct research in topics ranging from basic to applied immunology.
Your years as a graduate student provide you with varied experiences that help you lay the foundation for a career as a scientist. You can maximize this by enrolling in challenging courses, staying in contact with fellow graduate students and faculty, participating in workshops and seminars, and attending and presenting research results in national scientific meetings.
The Immunobiology program faculty and staff thank you for your interest in Immunobiology graduate studies at Iowa State University. We hope that you utilize this site to further your knowledge about what Iowa State University can offer you.
General Curriculum Information
The Immunobiology program emphasizes interdisciplinary education with specialization appropriate to the student's interests. The master's degree requires 30 credit hours, and the doctoral degree requires 72 credit hours. The Graduate College requires that PhD candidates pass preliminary examinations. A master's degree is not a prerequisite to a PhD. Research is an integral part of the curriculum in Immunobiology at Iowa State University. A student will select a major professor from the faculty participating in the program. The role of the major professor is to act as a mentor and will guide the student's professional development. Both MS and PhD candidates must prepare and defend a thesis.
Immunobiology students should include in their program of study a core of courses offered by departments cooperating in the Immunobiology major (Animal Science; Biochemistry, Biophysics, & Molecular Biology; Biomedical Sciences; Entomology; Kinesiology; Veterinary Diagnostic & Production Animal Medicine; Veterinary Microbiology & Preventive Medicine; and Veterinary Pathology) which will provide a broad coverage of the basic program in immunobiology. Formal courses should include immunology, biochemistry, and cell biology. Immunobiology students must select and take courses from a menu that includes advanced immunology and cell biology courses as well as courses providing pertinent technical expertise in biochemistry and statistics. All students are expected to take the Immunobiology seminar and workshops each year. Please refer to the specific curriculum requirements pages for the degree you wish to seek.
Additional coursework may be selected to satisfy individual interests, departmental requirements, or Program of Study Committee recommendations. The foreign language and teaching requirements are determined by the student's department (not by the Immunobiology Program).
Graduate Courses specific to Immunobiology
IMBIO 602 - Current Topics Workshop in Immunology
1 credit per semester, Repeatable, Offered in the Fall
Lectures provided by off-campus experts. Students are required to participate in discussion sessions with lecturers.
IMBIO 604 - Seminar in Immunobiology
1 credit per semester, Repeatable, Offered in the Spring
Student and faculty presentations in Immunobiology
IMBIO 690 - Special Topics
Credits variable each time taken, Repeatable, Offered in Fall/Spring/Summer
Advanced study of specific topics in a specialized field of Immunobiology
IMBIO 697 - Graduate Research Rotation
Credits variable each time taken, Repeatable while on rotation, Offered in Fall/Spring/Summer
Graduate research projects performed under the supervision of selected faculty members in the Immunobiology Program. Students must complete three lab rotations during their first year in the program.
IMBIO 699 - Thesis Research IMBIO 699 - Thesis Research
Credits variable each time taken, Repeatable, Offered in Fall/Spring/Summer
You’ll find support from your peers, faculty, and staff when you join a learning community. Learn about your path of study, on-campus resources and activities, and future careers. You’ll connect with faculty and students through activities both in and outside the classroom and collaborate with a peer mentor.
Connect with other students developing innovative and entrepreneurial skills in the Start Something CALS or Start Something LAS Academy. Or find other students with similar interests in any of Iowa State’s hundreds of student organizations.

Connect and thrive
Iowa State is a big university with a close-knit, caring community that provides access to resources that support and enrich your learning, working, and living experience.
The university provides a comprehensive network of academic support, health and safety resources, and supportive communities.