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Requesting IMBIO Faculty Membership

The Immunobiology (IMBIO) faculty has overall responsibility for the quality and well-being of the major.  Faculty members are drawn from across the university according to their interest and qualifications.  New membership in the IMBIO faculty is attained by vote of the existing membership.

Admission of New Immunobiology Faculty

Membership into the IMBIO faculty is granted through election by the existing IMBIO faculty. The term of membership is for five years and is renewable.

Membership into the IMBIO faculty is restricted to those with graduate faculty status at ISU.

In considering a faculty member for membership in IMBIO, each applicant's activities in the following areas will be examined:

  1. The applicant must exhibit a dedication to graduate education, show evidence of graduate education activity, and be judged to maintain high standards in graduate education.
  2. The applicant must be committed to the concept of interdisciplinary training and be willing to participate actively in the affairs of the IMBIO program.
  3. The applicant must have an active, high quality, research program involving fundamental questions in IMBIO.
  4. The ability to obtain, or the prospects of obtaining, competitively awarded research support in the area of IMBIO.
  5. The applicant must have the potential and willingness to provide financial support for graduate student stipends and research expenses.

The quality and appropriateness of the research program will be judged on the basis of the application packet materials submitted electronically.

Required Application Materials

  1. A complete curriculum vita
  2. A brief letter requesting faculty membership which includes:
    1. A statement of research interests that clearly details aspects related to Immunobiology.
    2. A willingness to serve as an active faculty member - voting, ability/willingness to accept potential rotations/grad students into your lab, willingness to serve on POS committees, and a willingness to engage with and participate in IMBIO faculty committees.
  3. Optional: e-copies (PDF files) of recent publications (within the past 5 years) that are in areas relevant to the mission of the Immunobiology Major. It is recognized that investigators who are in the early stages of their research careers may not have as many as five publications.

Please upload your application materials here and let the IGG Program Coordinator, Carla Harris ( if there are any issues with uploading.   Once information is received, your application will be reviewed, and a vote from current affiliated faculty will be requested. This process can take up to a month, depending on the time of the year.  If there are any issues with your application, Carla Harris will be in contact.  

Review Procedure
A Faculty Membership Committee will review the credentials of the applicant.  The committee will submit a recommendation to either approve or not approve the application, along with the complete application packet for vote by the current IMBIO membership. Voting will take place electronically and each individual receiving a majority of the votes cast will be granted IMBIO faculty membership. Voting must include at least 60% of the current faculty.